PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR a few of my FAVORITE RESOURCES (and why I’m excited about them!)

Climate & Earth Friendly Resources
Healthy Climate Solutions
UCLA’s Healthy Climate Solutions
I recently attended a fantastic 3 session graduate-level course online through the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health’s Center for Healthy Climate Solutions. The goal of the Center for Healthy Climate Solutions is to “help communities adapt and respond to the adverse health effects of climate change.” They also “turn public health research into actionable policies and practices.” I found the information they shared, as well as the class slides, resources, and discussions both impactful and inspiring. I look forward to collaborating with them and sharing more information with all of you in the near future! To find out more about this exciting organization check out the link below:
Sustainable Seafood
Sustainable Seafood Recommendations (ocean-friendly choices)
Much of the seafood we eat is negatively impacted by destructive farming and fishing. The good news is the Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program has a handy pocket guide consumers and businesses can use to make more ocean-friendly seafood choices. I carry this guide with me to make better choices when grocery shopping and when eating out in restaurants. There are national and regional guides and also guides in Spanish. Get your free copy by clicking on the link below! Yay!
Heal the Bay
Hey California friends, wondering which beaches are the cleanest and which need some help? Check out this link to Health the Bay to get all the information you need.

Self-Care for Caregivers: 3 Insider Secrets to Self-Care When You’re Caring for Others (Jony’s free 20-minute audio workshop)
Hey there caregivers! How are you holding up? I hope you are well and have found a way to carve out a little time for yourself in addition to caring for your loved one. Having been a long-distance caregiver myself for many years I know how important and meaningful it is to do this work, but also how exhausting and overwhelming the day-to-day tasks can be. As a health educator and experienced trainer, I created a free 20-minute audio workshop that includes some of my very best tips for self-care for busy caregivers (and you don’t need to be a caregiver to get a lot out of it!). So why not grab a cup of green tea, a handful of nuts, and some fresh fruit and check it out!
Listen to the 20-minute recording of Jony’s 3 Insider Secrets to Self-Care talk here for FREE (just click the little arrow below to listen):
Hiring a Care Manager
Is your elderly parent or other loved one in need of care and resources but you don’t know where to start or how to manage their care from across town or across the country? One of the most helpful resources I found during my many years as a long-distance caregiver was to hire an Aging Life Care Expert (formerly called Geriatric Care Manager). Our care manager was a life-saver in helping me be sure my elderly and ill parents got the best care possible. Here’s the link, below, to help you find someone in your area. (Click on the Find An Aging Life Care Expert in the orange box towards the upper right of the the website). Please be aware they do cost money, but the money you save by utilizing the resources they may find you often pays for itself:
Hearing Help (Great alternative to hearing aides)
Is your elderly loved one having a hard time hearing? Do you find the TV or radio blaring, or that you have to YELL so they can hear what you’re saying? This happened to me with my dad and it was driving me crazy! He had hearing aids but often refused to wear them. An audiologist at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in NYC recommended a hearing amplification system my dad could wear over his head instead of hearing aids. It looks kind of like the old-fashioned “walkman” and is super easy to use. The one I used with my dad was the Williams Sound Pocketalker. It was a lifesaver for my visits home, doctor appointments, and even TV watching. You can buy it from William’s Sound directly or from Amazon. Here’s the Amazon link:

Oprah’s Health and Wellness Site
Tiny Buddha
Huffpost for a little Good News
The Dodo (Stories & Video Clips for Animal Lovers)
Greater Good Magazine

Need a laugh? Look no further!
Life can be hard. Sometimes you just need a little break to relax, to laugh and to just remember what it feels like to smile so hard your cheeks hurt.
Here are a few of my favorite funny websites:
Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards (funny animals)
The Onion has clever, raunchy, and very funny fake news.
I go here often to be enlightened and entertained with satire.
1funny has amusing animal videos.
Enjoy these cute distractions with fur and feathers.
Feeling grumpy? You’re not alone!
When I feel grumpy, one of my favorite pick-me-ups is Grumpy Cat!
Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
I read Jack Handey’s books years ago and laughed out loud. Here is a link to his handy dandy 3×5 cards to give you an introduction to his unusual and amusing world view.×5-cards/
Have a moment for a meme?
Take a 2-minute break and check out these cute memes.